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    Period. New Paragraph. - A Documentary Film and Discussion Guide

    Period. New Paragraph. - A Documentary Film and Discussion Guide

    Period. New Paragraph. - A Documentary Film and Discussion Guide

    An 85-year-old man confronts the end of his career and his own mortality as he shuts down the office he has worked in for the past 40 years. Made by the subject's daughter, "Period. New Paragraph." is a resonant and moving film for anyone who has watched a loved one's vitality wane. The film is accompanied by a discussion guide for bar associations or for law firms that intend to use the film to explore the topic of lawyers' transition into retirement.

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    Period. New Paragraph. is a loving portrait of a father by his daughter. It's also an homage to a New York and a way of working that has all but vanished. Technology can change. The tools of our work can change. But nothing can change the passion for the things we love to do. In the case of 85-year-old Herbert Kramer, he is forced to confront the end of his career and his mortality as he winds down his legal practice, closing the office he has worked in for the last 40 years. The film captures a rite of passage, as Herbert is forced to look back and imagine forward, as he lets go of what he loves.

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    A quarter to one-third of the lawyer population in the United States is expected to retire by 2025. Like Herbert Kramer, the subject of the documentary film, Period. New Paragraph., many lawyers plan to practice if they are able. Most haven't considered what the transition out of practice will look like. Sarah Kramer's portrait of her father provides viewers with an opportunity to reflect both on the future and the past - on lawyers' personal stories, on our changing legal profession, and on the sometimes-challenging internal conversations that weigh when it's time to walk out of the office for the last time. Use the film and discussion guide to encourage dialogue about these important issues in your bar associations, your firm or any other place where lawyers gather.

    Sarah Kramer is available to present her film and speak about the documentary process. For more information about Ms. Kramer's availability and fees, please contact her directly at [email protected]

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    8.5x11 & Streaming



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