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Just Resolutions November 2022 - Ombuds Committee


This Month's Articles

Committee Announcements

As a reminder, our Ombuds Committee monthly meeting is on Tuesday, December 20th, at 4 PM ET. Note that we typically meet the 4th Tuesday of every month but will be meeting a week early, because of the Thanksgiving holiday. An agenda for the meeting will be sent out the week before the meeting and will likely include a discussion on activities for 2023.

Section Events Spotlight & Ombuds Committee Resources

On November 2 we held the webinar “Mediation Career Opportunities: What Law Students Should Know.” The panelists discussed the variety of mediation careers they’ve had, and what they wish they knew to break into the field. They outlined what coursework, training, and internships to focus on while still in school, and when and how mediation careers are open to law school grads. If you missed registering for the live webinar, you can still register to watch the program on-demand here! It is free for ABA Law Student Members and Section of Dispute Resolution Members.Leadership Announcements.

Membership Renewal

Are you due for membership renewal? Make it easy and renew your membership here. Make it even easier on yourself next year and set up auto renew!