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Just Resolutions September 2020-Ombuds Committee



To promote a better understanding and increased utilization of appropriately designed, supported, and implemented ombuds programs in organizations of all types.

From the Ombuds Committee Chair

The Ombuds Committee is honored to sponsor the September 2020 edition of Just Resolutions. Many thanks to our authors Melanie McNeil, Beverly Gianna, and Chuck Howard. A special thanks goes to our marvelous Newsletter Chair, Shannon Lynn Burton (University Ombudsperson, Michigan State University) for diligently compiling and editing this month’s collection of articles.

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-Jon Lee, Chair, ABA Dispute Resolution Section Ombuds Committee

The deadline for Section Annual Award Nominations is September 30

Nominations are now open for several ABA awards related to Dispute Resolution. These awards include the D'Alemberte-Raven award, the Lawyer as Problem Solver Award, the Scholarly Work Award, and the Frank E.A. Sander Innovation in ADR Award. See the individual award pages for more information about each award and how to submit nominations.

Featured Articles

Ombuds Day 2020

The American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution's Ombuds Committee invites you to participate in a celebration of a profession that has existed for centuries yet remains relatively unknown and underutilized: the ombuds.

This year's theme -- Ombuds: Unusual name. Important service.

This year, we are hosting two similar events at two different times to accommodate participation across time zones.

Both sessions will include Chuck Howard, Executive Director of the International Ombudsman Association, as well as a panel discussion with questions and answers with representatives from International Ombudsman Association, United States Ombudsman Association, Coalition of Federal Ombudsman, and National Association for State Long-Term Care Ombudsman.

Click here for more information and to register.

For a list of all Ombuds Day webinars and to register, visit the Ombuds Day Toolkit.

ABA Mediation Week 2020

Save the Dates: October 18 - 24

Access to Justice - The Role of Mediation

Mediation saves time and money, and is less of a drain on emotional resources compared to litigation. It thus plays a critical role in ensuring access to justice for all segments of society.

In the post-pandemic world, with courtroom access curtailed and endemic delays in civil cases, mediation plays a more critical role than ever in providing access to justice for disputants. What are courts, non-governmental organizations, law schools, and the private sector doing to fill this need and what more can be done?

Mediation Weeks 2020 events will address what is being done now and ideas for the future.

Mediation Week is a project of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Mediation Committee