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Join our national call to action for lawyers and law students to help perfect democracy. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in learning more about ways you can volunteer. We are collecting the information below in order to better match you with national, state, and local organizations committed to ensuring voting rights for all. Please be patient as we work to match you!

CRSJ Chair Chat: Perfecting Democracy

Chair Thomas Discusses the Initiative

This year, 2022-23 CRSJ Section Chair Juan R. Thomas is hosting esteemed guests and colleagues for a weekly Chair Chat, a platform designed to bring together legal scholars, advocates, thought leaders, and activists committed to fighting to protect our democracy. The sixth Chat features a discussion with Cynthia Swann and Elizabeth Yang – leaders of CRSJ's Voting Rights and Fair Elections Task Force – exploring the role lawyers play in election protection, particularly through the Section's Perfecting Democracy initiative.

Thank You to NEO Philanthropy

We are grateful to NEO Philanthropy’s State Infrastructure Fund for their generous support of this project.

Featured Monographs

Voting Rights Monograph

This monograph provides background and guidance for attorneys and law students, whether or not they have any experience or expertise in voting rights or election law, who are interested in participating in activities to protect the right to vote for all Americans, regardless of political party preference.

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Redistricting Monograph

The Redistricting monograph seeks to serve as a guide for attorneys who either are practitioners of Election Law or are not practitioners but want to become involved with Election Advocacy either as litigators or utilizing their skillsets in the transaction sphere to support grassroots election advocacy organizations.

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Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you! If you have questions about the Perfecting Democracy initiative, please reach out via email ([email protected]) or via call/text (571-295-6582).

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Whatever your area of specialization, CRSJ has a place for you. By joining us today, you can help ensure that the world’s largest voluntary professional association continues to uphold the Bill of Rights and the ideals it embodies.