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September 29, 2022 2022 FALL COUNCIL MEETING

Hot Topics Out of the Supreme Court

This panel of noted lawyers and legal academics provides an overview of the Supreme Court decisions of the 2021 term, including such topics as Commercial Signage, Abortion Rights, Affirmative Action, Indian Child Welfare Act, and Voting Rights.

This panel was presented on Thursday, September 29, 2022, during the joint fall meeting of the American Bar Association's Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, State and Local Government Law Section, and Young Lawyers Division. This program is offered on-demand for viewing only and does not qualify for CLE credit in its recorded form.


  • Brian Connelly, Attorney at Law, Otten Johnson Robinson Neff + Ragonetti PC
  • Kathy Kinsman
  • Aracely Muñoz, Council Member, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice; Co-Chair, Rights of Women Committee, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice; Director of the Lawyers Network and Washington, DC Office, Center for Reproductive Rights


Joint Sponsors: ABA State and Local Government Law SectionABA Young Lawyers Division


CLE Resource Packet
Please note: only in-person attendees are eligible for CLE credit.

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