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Career Development Series

Taking Charge of Your Own Career

NALP 2018 study indicates  of 33,150 class of 2018 law grads, 72.8% will go to anticipated job with bar passage req'd.

NALP 2018 study indicates of 33,150 class of 2018 law grads, 72.8% will go to anticipated job with bar passage req'd.

Elnur | Shutterstock

Note: Part of the free Career Development Series. This is not a CLE program. 

Description & Speakers

Who's in charge of your career? If you're not, then who is? Sharon Meit Abrahams , Yuliya LaRoe and Lew Check, with over 50 years of combined experience in helping law students and attorneys develop their careers discuss the importance of and how to take charge of: 

  • Finding quality mentors and active sponsors
  • Developing your social media profile
  • Career development planning and goal setting
  • Recognizing and creating professional development and career opportunities


Dr. Sharon Meit Abrahams, President, Legal Talent Advisors, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Yuliya LaRoe Esq., Co-Founder and Certified Professional Coach, 20/20 Leadership Group, Miami, FL


Lewis Check, North America Senior Professional Development Manager, Baker McKenzie LLP, Chicago, IL

Video & Handout