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Career Advancement

Optimizing the Lawyer Brain to Improve Wellbeing and Enhance Performance

Presented by Debra Austin and Judith Gordon

Note: This is not for CLE. Part of the free Career Development Series, a monthly webinar series featuring practical tips from legal career experts. Live webinars are free and open to the public. The recorded program and materials are exclusively for ABA members.


The legal profession is demanding and can take a toll on our mental, physical and emotional resources. Yet, there’s much that we can do to manage our reserves, and improve our energy, productivity, and overall wellbeing. Join us for this information-packed webinar for optimizing your lawyer brain and enhancing your performance.

Optimizing your lawyer brain.

Optimizing your lawyer brain.


Debra Austin, Professor of the Practice, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Denver, CO

Judith Gordon, ABA Career Center Board Member; Faculty, UCLA School of Law; Founder, LeaderEsQ, LLC, Los Angeles, CA

Video and Materials

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