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Recent Programs

Using LinkedIn at Every Stage of Your Career

Unlock the power of LinkedIn at any career stage! Join Allison Johs from Legal Ease Consulting, Inc. for expert tips on networking, job hunting, and career growth. Get a tailored LinkedIn action plan and invaluable advice for law students and young lawyers.

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Develop Your Strategy: Key Steps to Consider for Partners and Attorneys Before Negotiating Your Compensation

The idea of negotiating your compensation with an employer can cause some to retreat and cause others immense anxiety. This doesn't have to be you. This 30-minute webinar will help build your negotiation muscles. We’ll cover some of the most important steps for you to consider before you enter negotiations about your compensation.

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Am I Being Underpaid? A Discussion About Legal Salaries

The panel examines the factors that law firms consider in setting attorney salaries and talk about attorney compensation at government offices, non-profits, and in-house departments.

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Legal Writing 101

Legal Writing 101 will provide you with tools to write more clearly and concisely and make your communications with clients and courts more effective.

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Managing Your Team Remotely

Our webinar panel discusses best practices for managing and engaging your team remotely, making sure your team is working together; keeping members engaged, productive and successful; effective communication strategies; and tools that you can implement immediately to achieve greater success in managing your team remotely both now and in the future.

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Enhanced Executive Presence for Lawyers

Executive presence is a mysterious “soft” skill, and harnessing it can make a difference in your career. During this program we will discuss why executive presence is a skill no attorney can live without and how you can transform yours, whether you are meeting with a colleague in person or arguing a motion on video.

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LinkedIn, Social Media, and Personal Branding

Discover specific tools and strategies to use in your online presence to define your personal brand and develop relationships. Take your networking and business development virtual in an authentic and strategic way.

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