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Past Conference

The American Bar Association Center for Global Programs, together with The George Washington University Law School, held a half-day conference focused on combating corruption. This event brought together U.S. Government interagency personnel, anti-corruption experts, civil society representatives, and academics. The conference shed light on the intersection of domestic and international anti-corruption efforts through two panel discussions: one addressing the relationship between corruption and national security issues, and the other focused on political corruption.

The Human Rights and Rule of Law Summit

Past Events

Watch the People-Centered Justice Event Recap

The ABA's people-centered justice event, “Putting People First,” highlighted the modern approach to promoting the rule of law in the U.S. and around the world that prioritizes citizens. The program featured remarks by Justice Stephen Breyer and other leaders in the justice sector, as well as spotlight domestic and international programs across the ABA, such as the Commission on Immigration, Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, and the Rule of Law Initiative.

ABA Summit for Democracy Events Recap

In connection with the Biden Administration's Summit for Democracy (S4D), the American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Global Programs sponsored two events to highlight the importance of the rule of law and legal systems towards the advancement of democracies around the world. The Summit took place December 9-10, 2021 virtually.