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Middle East & North Africa

Laura Milne

Country Director for Jordan and Regional Programs Manager and GESI Advisor

Laura Milne joined ABA ROLI in June 2021 to oversee the implementation of national and regional trafficking in persons and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) projects. She is ABA ROLI's Country Director for Jordan and Regional Programs Manager and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Advisor. Laura has over 10 years of experience working on human rights and legal empowerment, with a focus on strengthening women’s access to justice. Prior to joining ABA ROLI, Laura worked for over four years in Myanmar, first as Senior Legal Advisor to an USAID-funded civil society and media strengthening project and later with International Development Law Organization, where she advised on the development and implementation of rule of law and SGBV programs. She has also worked in India and in Vietnam, where she spent five years overseeing projects focused on clinical legal education, trafficking in persons and anti-corruption. Laura qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales in 2009 before starting her career in human rights with Liberty, the UK’s largest civil liberties organization. In addition to her work at ABA ROLI, Laura sits on the board of Justice Base, an UK-registered human rights organization.