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Our mission

The mission of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative is to promote justice, economic opportunity, and human dignity through the rule of law.

Our origins and principles

Countries that lack the rule of law very often fail to meet the most basic needs of their populations. In fact, over half of the world’s population lives in countries that lack the rule of law, consigning billions of people to lives characterized by a lack of economic opportunity, basic justice and even physical security.

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ABA ROLI Policies and Procedures on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

ABA ROLI has numerous resources including publications, bodies, and policies focused on preventing sexual exploitation and abuse. Below is a publicly available summary and links of the resources, ABA bodies, and policies that are at ABA’s disposal when implementing domestic and international programs.

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Hon. Stephen G. Breyer, Chair

Contact us

To learn more about our work, contact the ABA Rule of Law Initiative at [email protected].