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To the Office of President Biden and 117th Congress

On behalf of the American Bar Association (ABA), the largest voluntary association of attorneys and legal professionals in the world, we would like to wish you the best as you begin your important work in 2021. To assist you in a successful start, we encourage you to consider the ABA's specific recommendations concerning federal court reform, access to legal services, criminal justice system improvements, and immigration reform outlined in our recent letter to President Biden. We have also put together the following additional resources to provide important background information regarding each of our recommendations and to help you connect with the appropriate ABA Governmental Affairs experts on each issue.  

Letter to President Biden

See the recent letter the ABA Leadership sent to President Biden and get a better understanding of how our specific recommendations will improve the administration of justice and promote the rule of law.

Letter to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees

See the recent letter the ABA Leadership sent to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees and get a better understanding of how our specific recommendations will improve the administration of justice and promote the rule of law.

Letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees

See the recent letter the ABA Leadership sent to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and get a better understanding of how our specific recommendations will improve the administration of justice and promote the rule of law.

1) Federal Court Reforms

Federal Court Reforms

How the Courts Can Use Some Support

As the national voice of the legal profession, the ABA is committed to protecting and preserving the independence of the judiciary as fundamental to a free society. Here are the issues and reforms we see as vital to accomplishing that objective and improving the administration of justice.

Contact Us

For more information on the Federal Judiciary, please contact Denise Cardman, ABA Deputy Governmental Affairs Director, at [email protected] or (202)662-1761.

Resources on Legal Services

3) Criminal Justice System Improvements

Criminal Justice

The Need for Reform

The historic passage of the bipartisan First Step Act during the previous administration brought many long-overdue improvements to the federal criminal justice system, but the 116th Congress was unable to successfully build on those achievements. We urge you to take specific actions in the first 100 days of the Biden administration to further improve the criminal justice system by eliminating racial bias; adopting smart sentencing, corrections, and re-entry reforms; and ending lifetime collateral consequences of criminal convictions. Please see below for additional resources on all of these critical issues.

4) Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform

How the Immigration Adjudication System Should Be Improved

As the largest association of attorneys and legal professionals in the nation, the ABA has a unique interest in ensuring fairness and due process in the immigration enforcement and adjudication systems. But although immigration matters routinely involve issues of life and liberty, the immigration adjudication system lacks some of the most basic due process protections and checks and balances that we take for granted in our justice system. To see how the ABA views these issues and how they can be addressed, please review our report below.