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Your Voice Matters

As an attorney, you know what’s happening in the legal profession better than anyone else. You live it every day. You are the perfect spokesperson to help explain the complex nature of legal policy. At the same time, elected officials are most interested in hearing from their own constituents. You are who they were elected to represent.

Does Grassroots Advocacy Work?

Recent advancements in digital communication have made grassroots advocacy a cornerstone of any elected official's day. But, does it work? (Hint: More than you think) Let's take a look at the metrics and see what the actual congressional offices have to say.

ABA Issue Overviews

Get to Know the Issues

The ABA works with the legislative and executive branches regularly to advance policy affecting the legal profession. See where issues currently make up the ABA's priorities, which issues are moving, and which issues need your help in Congress.

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Legislative Glossary

Get to know the terms your elected officials use everyday so you can clearly get your message across. Learn to talk the talk so you can walk the walk.