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Allison C. Johs

Allison C. Johs, Esq., President of Legal Ease Consulting, Inc., provides productivity, practice management, marketing, business development, copywriting and social media coaching and consulting services for lawyers and law firms. Allison helps her clients create efficient, effective systems and operations to maximize productivity. Her clients learn how to identify and attract their ideal clients, improve their client intake and selection, increase client loyalty, develop client-friendly fee structures, and increase profits. She is the author of the Legal Ease Blog at and writes the Simple Steps column for Law Practice Magazine. She has been published in numerous other legal publications, including the ABA TECHREPORT.

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ABA Publishing

The ABA and its dedicated members work tirelessly to create original substantive content to advance the legal profession here and around the globe. Each year the ABA authors over 1,000 books, periodicals, and newsletters, creating one of the world's richest storehouses of legal knowledge.