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The Advocates of Aging Podcast

Listen to hear interviews and stories on topics related to law and aging, including best practice tips for professionals and career advice.

Learn More - Here

The Experience of Persons with Dementia in the Criminal Legal System

With funding from the RRF Foundation and in collaboration with the University of Virginia, the University of Michigan, the National Research Institute, University of South Carolina, and the Penn Memory Center, we have spent the last 18 months looking at the big picture of persons with dementia and the criminal legal system using the “sequential intercept model” that examines interaction along the process of the criminal legal system from first contact to long term corrections.

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The Live Release Event - View Here

Law Student, Internships and Pro Bono Assistance

The Commission has a long-standing internship and externship program for students with a public service/public interest focus. Additionally, the Commission on Law and Aging offers opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono assistance in the form of research and analysis. Questions? Email us to learn more.