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Human Trafficking Resources

A free webinar on how to help efficiently and effectively (spring 2020)

Call to Action

Practitioner Resources

The resources below provide an overview of trafficking issues:

  • Trafficking Power and Control Wheel
  • Lawyer’s Manual on Human Trafficking Pursuing Justice for Victims: Edited by Jill Laurie Goodman and Dorchen A. Leidholdt
  • Out of the Shadows: A Tool Kit for the Identification of Victims of Trafficking
  • National Human Trafficking Resource Center: Student Toolkit
  • Intersections of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault


The resources below discuss children and human trafficking:


The resources below discuss immigration and human trafficking:

Criminal Prosecution

The resources below discuss criminal prosecution and human trafficking:

ABA Resources

Freedom For All is a practical introduction to human trafficking and what you can do in your practice area.

Business Law Section

ABA Model Business and Supplier Policies on Labor Trafficking and Child Labor

Judicial Division

The Judges' Journal  (Winter 2013)

This issue of The Judges’ Journal brings to light issues surrounding human trafficking, a modern form of slavery, and the widespread efforts to bring victims out of the shadows and deliver justice for them. Brave and committed people from groups such as the ABA are looking for individuals to help them and join this worthy fight.

Section of Litigation

An Introduction to Child Trafficking in the United States (Jan 2012)

Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI)

Human Trafficking Assessment Tool (HTAT)

ABA ROLI Human Trafficking Assessment  Report for Nepal